Monday, July 7, 2008

we had an amazing time today shelly and berry toke me ,Rhiannon,ryan,and the twins to go swim at tiffys work today and after we did that we went to get lunch and then we rode the trolley and me and Rhiannon and ryan had to go pee so bad so after the trolley ride we crossed over the street and went to the bathroom.and then we drove up to the callucum and after that we drove over the big bridge to Washington and i cried cause i hate going over bridges with water under them cause they could fall at any time anyways we went to Washington and got postcards and ice cream and then we drove back to Oregon it was fun.........


Jennifer said...

Awesome Blog Jazmataz! I love that you and Nana have started blogging with the big kids! Your page looks great and I am so impressed with how well you have done on your layouts! Great photos-keep up the good work! Love aunty Jenn

jazzy.!(: said...

thankyou jenny

Michelle Lee said...

I'm so glad that you had a good time playing tourist with us. It was great to get to bond with you some more. We don't get to see you very often. Let's keep in touch by e-mail and blogging. I love the new blog format you have now. You learned so fast how to find pictures from the web and add them to your page. Smarty pants!!!

Love you, Shelly, Barry, and the twins.

Ashley said...

i miss you!!!