Wednesday, November 21, 2007

this is me on 11/21/07


pkabow said...

Every time you put a new picture on your blog you look older. You are changing into a young woman so fast. You will be a beautiful teenager. I am glad you added new posts to your blog,

Michelle Lee said...

Hi Jazmine, this is your Aunt Shelly. I hope you are doing good. I love reading your blog and seeing all the fun photos that you put on it too. You are looking like a beautiful teenager like grandma says. Tell Ryan Hi from me and Barry. I am 3 months pregnant now. It is not Barry's baby because he can't have any more kids. I went to a special doctor to get pregnant. I'm very happy that I get to have a baby by June 10, 2008. As soon as I know what it will be, I will post if it is a girl or a boy or even twins.