Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This is Pams baby Cheyenne.She was born with downsyndrome,but she is the cutiest baby ever.10/17/07


pkabow said...

You did a great job Jazmine! Photos and everything. Cheyenne is a beautiful baby and I'll bet she is really sweet.

pkabow said...

I forgot to tell you that you can answer a comment in your own blog. It is sort of like a long version of IMing or texting. P stands for my first name Priscilla. Ka is for Kathy and Bow for Bowman. Pronounce it as peek a boo only p kah bow. Love, Grandma

ebow said...

I like your blog Jazmine! I will show the girls after school today.
Love Aunt Erica

DJ said...

Hi Jazmine,
It's your Aunt Debbie. I love your blog. Isn't it fun to post pictures and see everyone elses pictures? I love it. We all live so far away, this is a great way to see what you and your family are up to.